All certifications include three Fundamentals courses.  These courses are accredited by the National Association of Direct Support Professionals.

  • Introduction to Enabling Technology and Best Practices

    • Defining enabling technology and remote supports

    • Discussing benefits, uses and examples for home, work and community

    • Identifying best practices for technology-first organizations

  • Person-Centered Assessment and Support Planning

    • Applying person-centered thinking to identification, assessment and support planning

    • Highlighting the elements of a technology assessment, including remote supports

    • Discussing the integration of technology into the service/support plan

    • Learning how to use SHIFT forms for identification and assessment with self-advocates ready to integrate enabling technology

  • Roles and Responsibilities of Direct and Natural Supports

    • Exploring the differences between direct and natural supports

    • Identifying generic responsibilities of everyone in the circle of support

    • Highlighting specific responsibilities for various team members, including remote support professionals

  • The Enabling Technology Integration Specialist Certification is approximately a 15 hour course with the following requirements:

    Fundamentals 1, 2, 3

    Attendance at 1 live virtual course dedicated to the discussion of technology planning, barriers, and successes

    Specialization 1: Technology First Transformation

    Experiential Learning Project: Technology First Case Study

    Final Exam

  • The Enabling Technology Navigator Certification (ETN) is approximately a 15 hour course with the following requirements:

    Fundamentals 1, 2, 3

    Attendance at 1 live virtual course dedicated to the discussion of technology planning, barriers, and successes

    Specialization 1: Technology First Transformation

    Experiential Learning Project: Technology First Case Study

    Final Exam

  • The Enabling Technology Leadership Certification (ETL) is approximately a 15 hour course with the following requirements:

    Fundamentals 1, 2, 3

    Attendance at 1 live virtual course dedicated to the discussion of technology planning, barriers, and successes

    Specialization 1: Technology First Transformation

    Experiential Learning Project: Technology First Roadmap