Dustin A. Wright Tech First Champion Award

This award was established to memorialize Dustin A. Wright, Founder of Disability Cocoon, and pioneer in the Technology First movement.  

Dustin was a leader in the remote support and enabling technology industry. His passion for the long-term support services community led him to begin Disability Cocoon, an entity that raised awareness of technological resources to support community independence. His capacity to help people understand the value of technology and its role as natural support was evident in the way he facilitated Tech Huddles and webinars. He was one of those people who embraced everything he did with enthusiasm, and our field is better for it.

Dustin always proudly introduced himself by noting that he had been a direct support professional before engaging in leadership roles. He advocated for the professionalization of this occupation by ensuring that educational opportunities were readily accessible and affordable.

Most importantly, Dustin valued being of service to those in the long-term support services world - individuals, families, and professionals alike. As an early supporter of SHIFT, Dustin ensured that individuals serving as supports could receive training to promote both safe and effective implementation of technology.

Annually, the Dustin A. Wright Tech First Champion Award honors five Direct Support Professionals who demonstrate unwavering commitment to implementing a Technology First approach to services. These champions embody what it means to put technology into action by:

  • Pursuing education and training to enhance their knowledge of and skill with enabling technology

  • Advocating for technology adoption and implementation so that people can achieve their goals

  • Empowering individuals to embrace technology integration into daily routines and activities - at home, at work and in the community

  • Supporting Technology First best practices within the organization to build momentum and sustain cultural transformation

    Each weekday during Direct Support Professional Recognition Week September 8th-14th, 2024, SHIFT highlighted one recipient of this award via social media and our website. Below are the 2024 recipients.

Allison Austin

Mark McKeown

Natasha Baldwin

Donald Clark

Tyler MacReady