Introduction to Technology First

SHIFT is excited to unveil our new Introduction to Technology First. This live, facilitated webinar will give staff at all levels of an organization the basic knowledge they need to successfully begin a Technology First approach to services.

The Introduction to Technology First will help attendees gain the following:

  • Understanding of what is meant by the phrase "Technology First approach to services" and how it relates to person-centered practices. 

  • Awareness of the practical application of commonly used enabling technologies.

  • Insight into how enabling technologies can be utilized by people in a variety of settings. 

  • Understanding of each team member's role and responsibilities in supporting people with their technologies.

  • Knowledge of core best practices for the adoption and implementation of a Technology First approach to services.  

Throughout the two-hour interactive session, SHIFT’s subject matter expert facilitators will reinforce key concepts with examples, illustrations and storytelling - inspiring participants to assume the role of a technology champion, no matter what job title they hold.  

2 sessions, with a maximum of 50 attendees per session will be offered monthly, with the exception of some major holiday months.

Learner expectations are as follows:

  • Engaged participation is required meaning Learners must be in a stable location and not attending to other tasks.

  • Learners must be punctual and cannot miss more than 15 minutes of the course for any reason.

  • Learners must be on an individual computer or tablet with a front-facing camera. 

  • Cameras must be turned and remain on for the duration of the session.

  • Learners should have some means of taking notes.

  • Learners must have registered prior to the course.

  • Learner's names on Zoom must match registration.

Click on the date below to register for the session you want: